Sunday, August 31, 2008
Avoiding Bad Traffic
If you do a search on the Internet for ways to increase traffic to your site, you will find websites that sell software or monthly membership packages that promise to bring traffic to your site. Don’t be fooled by these costly gimmicks. There are many ways you can increase traffic to your site for free.
What these companies don’t tell you is that one of the methods they use to drive traffic to your site is paying people to “surf” the Internet. People log into a website, enter a password and their computer will automatically “surf the net”, displaying different websites. However, the person that logged in isn’t necessarily paying attention to the screen – or even looking at it. The company that you paid may be driving “traffic” to your site in terms of visitors, but that doesn’t guarantee more customers.
It may sound like a contradiction, but promoting free items can also bring in bad traffic. Yes, you may attract more visitors, but a lot of those people just want a “freebie”. They might not really care about the services or products you provide, and once they get that “freebie”, they may never return to your site again. Now, that doesn’t mean you should never offer free items – they can definitely help increase sales in certain situations, such as a “buy this ebook and receive this free special report” offer.
Trading links and participating in banner exchanges may sound good in theory, but again, if targeted traffic isn’t coming in, your sales won’t be affected. Remember, traffic doesn’t equal customers. If you have a site related to babies, it doesn’t make sense to trade links with a site related to sport fishing. Always keep your target market in mind. Who is your audience? Why should they visit your site? Having fresh, relevant, timely, and informative content will attract quality traffic. Once people come to know your site as a source of quality information, they will return when they need to learn something new. The more quality traffic that comes in, the more customers you will have.
By staying away from bogus websites offering promises of high numbers of traffic and sticking to proven methods of generating quality traffic, you will not only increase your site’s traffic, you will also increase your conversion rates.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Add a Newsletter Sign Up Box to Your Site
Depending on your level of expertise with HTML or the newsletter program you use in your business, adding a form for your visitors to fill in in order to sign up to receive your newsletter can be as simple as answering a few questions and copying code into your website.
Aweber is used by many online business owners and is one of the more popular systems for delivery of newsletters, follow up and broadcast emails to their subscribers.
Keep in mind, you must first have an account with Aweber in order to generate and use the code. If you don't already have an account, you can get one at
Once you've started a membership with Aweber, setting up your newsletter sign up box is fairly easy. You'll find step by step instructions below.
1. Login to your Aweber membership account.
2. Once you've logged in, you'll need to make sure you are on the list that you are wanting to create the sign up box for. You can see which list you are managing at the top left of the page. If the list isn't correct you can change it in the drop down box to the left.
3. After you've navigated to the correct list, you'll need to go to the List Settings tab and choose Web Form.
4. From there you'll see a list of current forms you've created for the list if any. Under those forms is a green Create Web Form button. Click that button to begin creating your sign up box.
5. Type the name of the form you want to create. For instance, if you are creating a sign up box for a blog, you could name it Blog Sign Up.
6. Next choose the type of form you need.
7. Next, type the url of your Thank You page. This is the page your visitors will be directed to once they've signed up for your list.
8. Fill in the remaining fields (Forward Variables, Already Subscribed Page, and Ad Tracking) as necessary.
9. Then let the system know which message you want your subscribers to start on. This is normally the 1st message of your autoresponder series for that list.
10. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 2 of the process. Here you can design your actual sign up box.
11. On the left hand side you'll see fields, such as name, that you can add as well as creating new fields if needed. Simply drag and drop the fields you want into the preview pane on the right.
12. You can also add a headline to your sign up box in the preview pane if you choose to.
13. Once you have the sign up preview just the way you want it, click the save button.
14. You are then directed back to your list of forms. Find the form you want to add to your site and click the Get HTML link. Copy the code and paste into your site where you want the sign up box to be located.
Although this article is specific to Aweber, many newsletter management systems are similar in that you will answer a few questions regarding your newsletter and then the system will automatically generate HTML that can easily be copied into your website code.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Newbie Know How: Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is when a website owner promotes other people's products for and receives compensation (commissions) for doing so. Think of a car salesman to help grasp the concept. The company who makes the cars puts them on a car lot and the hires salesman to make the sale. Once that occurs the salesman then makes a commission on the sale.
Like the car salesman who doesn't take the cars home at night, affiliate marketers do not keep an inventory of the products they promote. Nor do they determine the sales price or handle any of the actual sales. They simply promote the products in various ways that make their customers want to buy. The product owner handles everything else including giving their affiliates promotional tools and tips to help them.
Here are a few tips to help you make the most of an affiliate marketing business.
1. Have a website centered around a specific niche.
2. Research products that fit well into that niche.
3. Diversity...don't just pick one or two products to promote and think that's enough.
4. At the same time, don't try to promote products that your target market won't be interested in.
5. Test different types of promotion and see which ones work the best for you.
6. Most importantly, don't think affiliate marketing is simply a matter of posting links on a website and waiting for the commissions to role in. You have to put some thought and elbow grease into your promotions in order to make a good income with affiliate marketing.
Affiliate Payload Review
Hi there, before you click anything or go anywhere I want you to quickly
understand how important it is for you to read every word of this email:
You've got a chance right now to absolutely dominate as a "New-Breed"
affiliate in 2008. Perhaps you've been hearing the buzz lately about
Alex Goad's newest monster, Affiliate Payload.
If you missed my message about it yesterday, don't worry, you're not too
late (**at least not yet**)...
Check it out here now:
After you get a look at the raw, uncut power of Affiliate Payload,
you'll understand why you don't need to waste another second struggling
to make it as a "Post-Payload" affiliate marketer online.
1 big reason: You will be at a massive disadvantage.
Check it out: Inside Affiliate Payload you will discover hidden traffic
sources (never talked about until now), and affiliate marketing tactics
that will blow your mind and completely change the way you thought real
affiliates made money.
Affiliate Payload Is Not As Good As You Think
It's BETTER! The tactics and strategies revealed inside this 250+ page
guide kick butt and take names like nothing you've seen before.
...And you can be a part of that group that makes a killing from
implementing these methods into your affiliate business.
That is, if you're not afraid of generating extremely large sums of
affiliate commission on demand, hour after hour, day after day. The
fact is the methods uncovered inside Affiliate Payload could easily have
been held and sold to the Affiliate elites for a lofty price tag.
But Affiliate Payload isn't $2k, $1k, $500, or even $100. That is if
you take massive action right now, you're in for a *very* special deal:
The Payload Monster is Hungry
How's cold hard cash sound for the main dish?
What you get with Affiliate Payload, is "take no prisoners",
"no-holds-barred" massive strategy guide isn't just better than any
other affiliate marketing "guide" you've ever wasted your money on.
Rightly entitled “Shadow Affiliate Documentation”...It blows them all
Bold claims, I know - but when you've created a monster like Affiliate
Payload, you have to tell it like it is so as to absolutely make sure
you set apart from the pack, in fact lightyears ahead of the pack where
it belongs.
8 Massive Modules + 10 Advanced Videos
Affiliate Payload is comprised of 8 huge and in-depth modules, each of
which reveal a different underground strategy the super affiliates are
using to rake in millions of dollars every year on the Internet.
You won't find these strategies anywhere else, because they've been
absolutely locked in a vault reserved for a "shadow elite" group of
affiliates who've been secretly milking them for insane, unheard-of
affiliate profits while the little guy (perhaps you?) was left to the
scraps and leftovers.
These 8 module combine to create 250+ page juggernaut, of *ripped*
affiliate strategy muscle. And if that's all the weight you though
Payload was pushin' you're sadly mistaken...
On top of that, there's 10 in-depth, advanced training videos to go with
each of the modules, as well as a couple more bonus strategy videos.
When I said Affiliate Payload was taking the the phrase "over-deliver"
to the next level, I meant it. I've made it so dead simple, that you no
longer have an excuse for not making an absolute bundle of affiliate
commissions day after day.
It's your chance to be the lead dog. Don't take this opportunity
lightly - SEIZE it!
Here's What I want You to Do
Right now you can still get your hands on Affiliate Payload for the
insanely low launch discount price, but you better believe if you wait
too much longer, Alex has promised the price *will be increasing* very
IN all honesty, the reason this email is so brazen, so to the point is
because Affiliate Payload is like nothing ever released before. There's
absolutely no reason for any affiliate who takes their business
seriously, not to grab a copy of the Payload Monster.
...It's an absolute no-brainer. There's no contest to the pure,
profit-pulling tactics and strategies you will find inside this huge
This is what all affiliates have been waiting for, for a very long time.
It's here, and you can get your hands on it for an investment so small,
you'll actually refresh the sales page just to make sure the figure
above the "order now" button is correct.
When it comes to becoming a certified super affiliate, it's go hard or
go home. Where are you headed?
The time for action is now. I'll see you on the other side...
To Massive Payload Profits,
PS - If you're still not sure about whether Affiliate Payload is right
for you, I've got three quick qualifiers to answer the questions once
and for all:
1. Are you or do want to be make money as a full-time affiliate
2. Does a drop-in-the-bucket investment now, make sense if you can earn
thousands of dollars in the coming months?
3. Are you ready?
If the answer to any of those three questions above is "Hell Yes!", then
I suggest you make your move right now.
Here's the link again:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Equitymillions - Make Money Flipping Website
You will be shocked at the sticker
price on this "Site Selling Cadillac"
of a system.
It's not going to cost you anything
near what it's worth.
These two ex-newbies met at the Rich Jerk's
private forum and start making thousands of
dollars together building and selling web sites!
But, what is more shocking, is the
bonuses they're giving away to everyone
who joins up today!
#1 - Inside Equity Millions there is
a fantastic forum, including a market
place for members to buy and sell
sites and services.
The top 2 posters in that forum each
month will get the opportunity to
work on a site to sell with the creators!
That site might be worth THOUSANDS and
if you're active enough to participate
in an already awesome environment, you're
going to get a crack at it every single
#2 - Weekly Site Selling Phone Calls
The creators are going to take one night
a week out of their schedules to sit down
and chat on the phone with their members to
"guide them in the ways of virtual real estate."
Each of them charge $1,000's of dollars
for phone coaching...You get BOTH OF THEM
for a whole hour every single Thursday
night when you're an Equity Millions member!
#3 - They'll teach you how you can build
a list of less than 20 people TODAY and
start pulling THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from
that tiny list.
No more having to build a list of 50,000
people to make any money. They've mastered
the art of building quality versus quantity,
and before you know it, you'll be sending
one email per week as your job...
Not to mention the 30 videos inside the
course itself, and homework assignments
that they've created to make sure you don't
get left behind.
Bar none, this is the easiest system we could
possibly put together to enable people just
like you make a pile of cash, and start
working full time in your pajamas.
Why would you want that?
Oh yeah, complete time and financial freedom!
Check it out now before they close the offer!
All the best,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
10 Key Places To Give Away Your Promotional Products
I am an internet and affiliate marketer at and an information provider at .
I will teach you through these articles on how to do marketing online effectively.
Promotional products are everyday products that you have personalized with your business name, logo, slogan, website address, or some other personalized greeting. You may even have some promotional items lying around your house from other businesses, such as coffee mugs, calendars, magnets, pens, and key chains.
Using promotional products in your marketing methods is a very smart move. People love to receive free items and will generally hold onto your item for a long time. Every time they see your item, they are getting a reminder about your business. The following are a list of places to give away your product, and the reason behind it.
* Your website: To generate some buzz, opt to hold a monthly giveaway on your website for one of your promotional products. To be effective, think about your target market and what they may like. If you have a website with information on cooking, you can give away an apron, a measuring cup, or a recipe holder.
* Other people’s websites: In addition to holding a monthly giveaway on your own site, find other non-competing websites and offer one of your products as a giveaway for their site. To be effective, the site should have a similar target market. It doesn’t make much sense to contact a bass fishing website and offer them an apron as a giveaway.
* Upgrade orders: Use promotional items to entice your customers to upgrade their orders. Going back to the cooking website example, you could offer a free apron to anyone who purchases two recipe ebooks. Send the ebooks as digital delivery, and simply send the apron through snail mail.
* Best customer: Another twist on this idea is to surprise your best customers with the promotional item. Go back through your records from the past year and send anyone who spent over $100 a little gift. This will show your appreciation and your customer will be so flattered they will continue to buy from you again and again.
* Best affiliate: If you have an affiliate program, sending your top affiliates a promotional item as a “thank you” is a great gesture. Your affiliates will be touched, and will work even harder to promote your products and services.
* Non-competing businesses: Non competing businesses can be a great source of referrals and word of mouth advertising. A non-competing business is a business with a similar target market as you have, but is one that doesn’t sell the same products as you do. For example, a virtual assistant and a graphic designer are non-competing businesses, as are hair stylists and make-up artists.
* Trade shows: Keep an eye out for any trade shows that may be coming to your local area. For example, a graphic designer or web designer may want to attend a computer show. You don’t have to rent a table; simply get a batch of personalized pens and hand them out instead of your business card when you meet a new person.
* Local businesses: Another idea is to make a list of local businesses you would like to work with and hand deliver them a promotional item, along with your resume, cover letter, and prospectus.
* Local media: Don’t be afraid to send some promotional items to your local media, such as your local radio and television stations. Go the extra mile and add some cookies or donuts. They may say an on-air thank you, and you will get some local exposure.
* Vacation spots: If you are heading out of town, grab some promotional materials and leave them in your hotel room, rest areas, and any other place you can think of. When you return home, you may have requests from every town you visited.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Super Affiliate Handbook By Rosalind Gardner
In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net.
Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 235 pages and 116 screenshots words that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate.
You'll learn how to install a blog, pick the most lucrative programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.
To learn exactly how she does it, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND
that you visit:
Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earned $436,797+ in 2002 and now earns MUCH MORE than that ... just by selling other people's stuff online!
In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net.
Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 236 pages and 124 screenshots that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate. You'll learn how to pick the best affiliate programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.
To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
7 Ideas for Adding Audio to Your Website
I am an internet and affiliate marketer at and an information provider at .
I will teach you through these articles on how to do marketing online effectively.
Adding audio to your website can be a fun way to draw in more traffic and create variety for your readers. You have a lot of choices when it comes to what type of audio to add. The following are a few ways you can start incorporating audio into your website or blog.
At times, the internet can feel like a very cold and unfeeling place. By creating a welcome greeting, you will create a warm and personable feeling around your website. Your visitors will feel that you value them and will appreciate that you took the extra time to personally greet them.
When you walk into a store, you may not notice it, but more often than not, music is playing in the background. Music can create an ambiance and set a calm and soothing mood. Setting this type of atmosphere may induce your visitors to linger longer.
If you are using your website to sell something, you more than likely have a testimonial page. Instead of only having a written testimonial, why not include a picture of the person providing the testimonial as well as an audio clip? Your viewers can hear the testimonial straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth.
Blogs are a great place to add audio. Blogs are generally a bit more personal and relaxed than a business website. Adding a bit of audio will help your readers get to know you and your personality. Plus, if you are in a rush and do not have time to type a post, you could simply record a few minutes of audio and post that instead.
Podcasts are very popular and new ones are being developed every day. It seems that people can’t get enough of them. Adding one to your website can give your current readers a new type of content, as well as attract new visitors.
Many internet marketers have sales pages full of great copywriting that provides product descriptions and highlights the product’s features and benefits. Creating an audio sales page would put a new spin on the standard sales page. You may not realize it, but QVC, the home shopping channel, is one of America’s largest television networks and their ratings are very high. The hosts on this channel are very friendly and enthusiastic. The hosts’ enthusiasm transfers to the viewers, and that motivates the viewer to buy the products being featured. Creating an enthusiastic audio for your sales page could have similar effects on your profits.
Audio enables you to connect with your customers in a whole new way. Why create a “question of the week” audio for your website? You could put up a form on your website or simply ask your readers to email you with their questions. Each week, you could take a few moments and read one of the questions and provide an answer. Your visitors will return each week to see if you chose their question. They’ll get a thrill if you read their name on your audio message.
There are many, many ways to add excitement and variety to your website by adding audio. Get creative and think up some ways to integrate audio into your business plan, and see if it helps you grow your customer base.
Friday, August 15, 2008
5 Tips for Motivating Your Assistants
I am an internet and affiliate marketer at and an information provider at .
I will teach you through these articles on how to do marketing online effectively.
There is no rule that says a small business can’t accomplish huge goals. If you have your mind set on accomplishing a huge task, you can definitely achieve it. With a team of motivated assistants, you can take on the world. Motivating people can be difficult, but it can be done. The following are some tips on how to keep your assistants motivated.
Goal setting is a powerful way to keep motivated. When your assistant has written goals they have a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished. Goals are also measurable; they are either accomplished or they aren’t. This allows your assistant to know if they are doing a good job or if they need to work harder.
Taking a few moments at the beginning of each month or each week to define goals with your assistant will keep both of you on track. Your assistant will know what is expected of him or her. This will make it easier for them to complete their assignments.
Keeping a positive environment will also help your assistants stay motivated. Even if you and your assistants live in separate states or continents, you can still create a cohesive work environment.
Perhaps you can all meet for a weekly meeting on a teleconference line or in a web conference room. Help everyone feel like a team by encouraging them to interact with one another. Let them know that they can always ask each other for help or advice if you are not available.
Giving your assistants new challenges will also do wonders for their motivation. Perhaps one of your assistants can help you organize an event or plan a new information product.
Providing lots of stimulation will keep your assistants from feeling stagnant. If someone works on one task for too long, they can get bored and their work can start to slip. Once their tasks become easy for them, give them a new assignment to take on. You may want to have two or three assistants work on a project together. They may really enjoy the interaction from working as a team.
Holding contests can also be a great motivator. You could create a team goal and if everyone works together and accomplishes the task, you could reward them with a small prize. You could also create individual goals for each team member, or have the team members compete against one another.
Of course, each person is unique and their motivation can come from a different place. What works for one assistant may not work for another. It is a good idea to keep your communication with your assistants open, and to ask them what it is that motivates them as an individual.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
GoogleSnatch - The Free Click Formula
or get a preview copy here.
Never has there been a time when someone sits down and shows you step by step blueprints to make real money on the internet.
Furthermore, no one in the right frame of mind will show you a way to do it WITHOUT spending a single penny on advertising.
You see, the Internet is huge and millions come online to have a crack at it. Majority (99.9%) just don’t have a clue where
to start. They attempt some techniques exposed by well known internet marketing gurus, but never really make some serious
Well the thing is, the owner of Google Snatch is NOT a guru. Simple down to earth guy who just knows what to do to make money
online! Best of all are the techniques he uses to dominate not only a niche market but also markets that have thousands of
competitors owned and run by large corporations.
He implements his own techniques and actually, in one word, hammers his competition. No Google Adwords to cheat, as each
click costs an expensive $100. As at the end of the day, the bigger the market, the bigger the competition, so more spending power!
Click here to see the wonders of GoogleSnatch
or get a preview copy here.
Now millions are afraid to compete in big markets because the people (companies) who have the money CAN demolish their
competitors. But what he tells you is, BIG companies have more money than sense. There is no need to spend thousands of
dollars to make money online. If you have the right formula, (The FREE Click Formula) then why waste money on paid clicks.
The problem with paid advertising, whether its Google, Yahoo or MSN, you can get high placements almost instantly, but whose
clicking on your ads? I mean whose accumulating a large bill at the end of the month for you? Your competitors? Happy
clickers? Or actual ‘real’ customers?
The work involved is just as much as setting up a Google Adwords campaign. Since the Google Slap came to the scene, it was
made clear that for each keyword you bid on it requires a unique page, as a must, to achieve good popularity ranking.
So the idea is simple, yet thousands think, actually MILLIONS think, Adwords is quicker? It takes 15 minutes for the world to
see your listing! But in order to get to those 15 minutes, it takes the same time to find the keywords, create the landing
page and to get the campaign on its feet. Overall you could say it takes maybe 60 – 90 minutes, maybe more.
Once this is setup, people will actually start seeing your ads AFTER 90 minutes as the work needs to be done beforehand.
Now for the alternative, inside Google Snatch! It takes 60 minutes for the world to see your ad, PLUS you don’t pay a single
cent on a click. Yet to that matter never will you ever again pay for a click once you discovered these techniques. So this
you could say is the REAL get your Google ads for free!
It was suppose to be priced at $997, but at present it’s next to NOTHING! So go over to the website now before your
competitors use this method on you.
Click here to see the wonders of GoogleSnatch
or get a preview copy here.
Never pay for Google ads ever again and let the world see your site within 60 minutes!
To your success,
Kamal Talib
5 Tips to Make Your Press Release Brilliant
I am an internet and affiliate marketer at and an information provider at .
I will teach you through marketing articles on how to do marketing online effectively.
5 Tips to Make Your Press Release Brilliant
Press Releases can help your business gain publicity through the media. Having media attention gives your business credibility. Here are some tips to boost your press release’s appeal. .
Correct Format: There is a format that press releases need to follow. Make sure yours is written in the correct format, as you will want it to look as professional as possible. It is also a good idea to double-check the grammar, punctuation and spelling before you send it in for submission.
Keep it Clear and Concise: Your press release should be no longer than two pages. Media outlets receive lots of press releases and don’t have time to read a ten page report. Keeping your writing clear and concise allow you to fit in the important facts without going over the two page limit. As you decide what information to include, answer the following questions: who, what, why, where, when, and how.
What Is The Reader Going To Gain: Give your press releases a call to action. Include something that is going to inspire readers to go to your event, visit your website, attend your grand opening, etc. Writing a blatant ad will be obvious. Incorporate the features and benefits of what you are promoting, and give information on what it will do for your target market. If you are promoting a new food processor, simply stating that it is smaller and takes up less space than previous models isn’t enough. However, writing the information as “the new model is smaller and takes up less space, allowing our customers to have the full chopping power of our larger model, but also save precious counter space” lets the reader know how the new model will help them.
Make It Interesting: If your writing is boring, no one is going to want to read it. Try to find a balance between straight facts and excitement. Using the example of the food processor above, announcing that “our new food processor will be available this spring” isn’t as catchy as “our new space-saving food processor will be available this spring, just in time to help you chop fresh vegetables for your summer salads”.
Remember Your Target Market: As you write and submit your press releases, keep your target market in mind at all times. By keeping your audience in mind, you will be able to focus on what information to include and where to submit your press releases. For instance, if you are promoting an event related to children’s health, submitting a press release to the travel editor of your local paper isn’t going to help you.
The media cannot run a story on every press release they receive, but implementing these tips will help you write press releases that grab, and keep, the media’s attention. The old saying “practice makes perfect” rings true for press releases; the more you write them, the better you will get.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Search Terms For The Keyword "marketing"
I am an internet and affiliate marketer at and an information provider at .
I will teach you through marketing articles on how to do marketing online effectively.
To show you how important the "marketing" keywords are , below are the Search terms used for internet marketing,affiliate marketing & marketing keywords.Yes,thousands of them.
Stay tune & bookmark this blog.
To get a full lists with details of the search terms , you can use google keywords tools here :
I use it everyday for my marketing purposes.
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