Forbidden $7,237 a Day Affiliate Tactics ..
Hi there, before you click anything or go anywhere I want you to quickly
understand how important it is for you to read every word of this email:
You've got a chance right now to absolutely dominate as a "New-Breed"
affiliate in 2008. Perhaps you've been hearing the buzz lately about
Alex Goad's newest monster, Affiliate Payload.
If you missed my message about it yesterday, don't worry, you're not too
late (**at least not yet**)...
Check it out here now:
After you get a look at the raw, uncut power of Affiliate Payload,
you'll understand why you don't need to waste another second struggling
to make it as a "Post-Payload" affiliate marketer online.
1 big reason: You will be at a massive disadvantage.
Check it out: Inside Affiliate Payload you will discover hidden traffic
sources (never talked about until now), and affiliate marketing tactics
that will blow your mind and completely change the way you thought real
affiliates made money.
Affiliate Payload Is Not As Good As You Think
It's BETTER! The tactics and strategies revealed inside this 250+ page
guide kick butt and take names like nothing you've seen before.
...And you can be a part of that group that makes a killing from
implementing these methods into your affiliate business.
That is, if you're not afraid of generating extremely large sums of
affiliate commission on demand, hour after hour, day after day. The
fact is the methods uncovered inside Affiliate Payload could easily have
been held and sold to the Affiliate elites for a lofty price tag.
But Affiliate Payload isn't $2k, $1k, $500, or even $100. That is if
you take massive action right now, you're in for a *very* special deal:
The Payload Monster is Hungry
How's cold hard cash sound for the main dish?
What you get with Affiliate Payload, is "take no prisoners",
"no-holds-barred" massive strategy guide isn't just better than any
other affiliate marketing "guide" you've ever wasted your money on.
Rightly entitled “Shadow Affiliate Documentation”...It blows them all
Bold claims, I know - but when you've created a monster like Affiliate
Payload, you have to tell it like it is so as to absolutely make sure
you set apart from the pack, in fact lightyears ahead of the pack where
it belongs.
8 Massive Modules + 10 Advanced Videos
Affiliate Payload is comprised of 8 huge and in-depth modules, each of
which reveal a different underground strategy the super affiliates are
using to rake in millions of dollars every year on the Internet.
You won't find these strategies anywhere else, because they've been
absolutely locked in a vault reserved for a "shadow elite" group of
affiliates who've been secretly milking them for insane, unheard-of
affiliate profits while the little guy (perhaps you?) was left to the
scraps and leftovers.
These 8 module combine to create 250+ page juggernaut, of *ripped*
affiliate strategy muscle. And if that's all the weight you though
Payload was pushin' you're sadly mistaken...
On top of that, there's 10 in-depth, advanced training videos to go with
each of the modules, as well as a couple more bonus strategy videos.
When I said Affiliate Payload was taking the the phrase "over-deliver"
to the next level, I meant it. I've made it so dead simple, that you no
longer have an excuse for not making an absolute bundle of affiliate
commissions day after day.
It's your chance to be the lead dog. Don't take this opportunity
lightly - SEIZE it!
Here's What I want You to Do
Right now you can still get your hands on Affiliate Payload for the
insanely low launch discount price, but you better believe if you wait
too much longer, Alex has promised the price *will be increasing* very
IN all honesty, the reason this email is so brazen, so to the point is
because Affiliate Payload is like nothing ever released before. There's
absolutely no reason for any affiliate who takes their business
seriously, not to grab a copy of the Payload Monster.
...It's an absolute no-brainer. There's no contest to the pure,
profit-pulling tactics and strategies you will find inside this huge
This is what all affiliates have been waiting for, for a very long time.
It's here, and you can get your hands on it for an investment so small,
you'll actually refresh the sales page just to make sure the figure
above the "order now" button is correct.
When it comes to becoming a certified super affiliate, it's go hard or
go home. Where are you headed?
The time for action is now. I'll see you on the other side...
To Massive Payload Profits,
PS - If you're still not sure about whether Affiliate Payload is right
for you, I've got three quick qualifiers to answer the questions once
and for all:
1. Are you or do want to be make money as a full-time affiliate
2. Does a drop-in-the-bucket investment now, make sense if you can earn
thousands of dollars in the coming months?
3. Are you ready?
If the answer to any of those three questions above is "Hell Yes!", then
I suggest you make your move right now.
Here's the link again: