Google Ambush
There's ONE secret to Google Success!
Hi there,
I've told you about Google Ambush before. All hype aside, to say it
has taken off is an understatement.
Over 3,000 people have signed up, and as I'm writing this there are
only 50 spots left. If you've been on the fence, now's the time to
get off!
==>> Google Ambush
But let me explain what Google Ambush is, because I think a lot of
people are missing it.
Google is a massively successful company. It's easy to bash them
and claim they're putting one over on the little guy to get rich.
The people saying that are bitter. They couldn't make their
advertising pay off, so now they're going to attack the company
that provide the advertising platform. That's insane!
Google is the golden goose. All you have to do is know how to make
it lay eggs. That's the secret.
The problem's hard.
I could lie to you and tell you it's easy to milk huge money out of
Google ads. It is when you know what you're doing, but that's the
problem. Most people have no clue, and that means the only easy
thing about Google advertising is losing money.
Enter Google Ambush. This page tells the whole story:
==>> Google Ambush
Google doesn't reveal exactly how their advertising system works.
Well, that's not quite right. They don't reveal how to dominate it.
They'll tell you how to get set up, but they won't tell you how to
make consistent profits. Hey, this is business and they don't mind
a bunch of ignorant people giving them money.
What you need is a manual that tells you how to sneak up on Google,
figure out their secrets and ambush their corporate coffers.
They're huge. Most people end up giving them a ton of money. You
can sneak in under the radar and rob them blind. All's fair in
love, war and advertising.
Google Ambush shortcuts the entire process. It's like having an
automated Google ad machine that you activate with a press of a
==>> Google Ambush
Several buttons, actually, because Google Ambush pretty much does
EVERYTHING for you. I simply couldn't believe my eyes.
Google Ambush finds markets for you. Yes, it goes out and finds the
niches with money to blow. These are the juicy micro-niches that
have HUGE profit potential.
Then the software ambushes your competition might want to
sit down...figuring out their most profitable keywords and spilling
the beans. You'll know which keywords actually make them profit
right now. Then you can steal them!
But Google Ambush digs deeper and shows you which specific ads are
the winners in any market you choose. Why start from scratch? Find
the winners and copy them! It's sort of like the Burger King
restaurant placement strategy: Find a McDonald's and build a Burger
King right across the street.
And once you know the keywords you need and have the ads to copy,
you need to create a separate optimized landing page for each and
every keyword.
That will take days or weeks if you do it on your own. With Google
Ambush, it'll take literally seconds. Press and button and presto!
Out come your beautiful pages.
All you do is log into your account, press a few buttons, and
Google Ambush does all the hard work for you. You could fire up a
successful campaign in an afternoon and see profit by the next day.
But with over 3,000 people already signed up, the doors are closing
soon. There are only 50 spots left. Time is running out. Do you
want to ambush Google and start making a killing from your ads?
Google Ambush is the least until the doors shut forever.
==>> Google Ambush
Here's to Ambushing Google,
Kind regards
Kamal Talib